САВРЕМЕНА ДОСТИГНУЋА У ГРАЂЕВИНАРСТВУ 2018 , 2018.год., стр. 695-705
DOI: 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2018.068 |
UDK: 332.262:347.232 |
CC-BY-SA 4.0 license |
Аутор : Nataroš, Gordana |
| Резиме: |
| In the process of restitution of confiscated property of the former owner,
initiated at the request of legal successors, on the basis of case file and all evidence
provided, when it comes to the fact that the procedure of land consolidation was carried
out on the land parcels in question, these are the issues which require expert knowledge
in the field of geodesy. At the request of the claimant, Agency for Restitution orders in
the Conclusion the expertise in an administrative matter through a court expert in the
field of geodesy. The expert's task is to identify, on the basis of complete files, the
numbers and areas that were taken away from the former owner.
When it is determined under what numbers and which area of the identified parcels
entered the consolidation mass and what is the total number of value units, the expert
proposes the parcels obtained from the consolidation mass according to the principle of
land consolidation. The calculation factor of the cadastral class and the coefficient of
reduction for the road and canal network are taken into account. Parcels are
approximated. The entire procedure is done according to the Technical Instructions for
performing geodetic-technical works in the procedure of land restitution which is an
integral part of the Regulation for the implementation of the Law on the manner and
conditions for the recognition of rights and the return of land transformed into social
property based on the agricultural land fund and confiscation due to unfulfilled
obligations from mandatory purchase of agricultural products ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 41/1991 and 4/1992). |
| Кључне речи: |
| Restitution, Consolidation, Cadastre, Parcel, Expertise |