| Knez Mihailova Street and the streets that surround the buildings mainly from the 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as many cultural and educational institutions in it, represent one of the best preserved historic center, each city. Because of the significant historical, urban, architectural, environmental, artistic and other values contained in Knez Mihailova Street, she was placed under legal protection as a cultural & historical entity of great importance. The work will be analyzed in the building at number 41, 43 and 45, which are representative examples of historic architecture of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century and as such they have to be to have a special relationship in the approaches to the protection and revitalization. Through the presentation of a proposal contemporary and future use of space Dimitrije Živadinović house number 41, will give a contribution to the possibilities of revitalization of residential buildings mixeduse in accordance with the values of this extremely important area, as well as the needs of modern man. The project envisages the formation of a cultural center, which is in accordance with the relevant trends in the world during the revitalization and use of modern spatial cultural-historical entities. |